Chiropractic Care for an Aging Spine

Do you think that you just have to live with back aches and pain just because you are growing old? If so, you are not alone. Research indicates that older adults are much more likely to experience back pain. However, older adults are much less likely to seek care for their pain than those who are younger. Whether you are 29 or 99, there is no reason why back pain should limit your ability to live each and every day to the fullest. While there may not be a fountain of youth, research indicates that chiropractic care and aging may go hand-in-hand. More and more older adults are turning to chiropractic care in order to reduce pain during their golden years.

How Does the Spine Change as We Grow Older?

The spine begins to degenerate as we age. However, the rate of degeneration largely depends on your stress levels. The more stress you are under, the faster your spine is going to degenerate. Chiropractic care for senior citizens is very important. It is very important to have your spine checked and adjusted on a regular basis.

Does Chiropractic Care and Aging Offer Any Special Benefits for Aging Women?

There are two major hormones that are directly associated with the female reproductive system. These hormones are estrogen and progesterone. Both of these hormones are drastically reduced during menopause. These hormones are also stimulated by the anterior pituitary gland, which is controlled by your hypothalamus. Think of your hypothalamus as the control center for your body. By maintaining proper spinal alignment, the central nervous system is going to function at its best. This is beneficial in helping to minimize the negative aspects that are so often associated with menopause.

Another large concern of women as they age of hunching of the back. Adjustments and physical therapy can help prevent curving in the spine of a woman as she ages.. Adjustments and therapy can slow down the hunching posture and help to keep the entire body in check. This can decrease hip fractures in women.. Chiropractic care and aging can help prevent all too common hip fractures in women as they age.

Chiropractic Care and Aging: What the Research Says

A 2009 research study found that older patients, who received chiropractic adjustments experienced significantly less pain and disability in comparison to those older patients, who were not treated with chiropractic care.

Another study conducted on chiropractic care and aging found that chiropractic care is most effective when combined with regular exercise and proper nutrition. A recent study of older adults found that those involved in regular physical activity had substantially less pain-related disability than older adults who do not participate in physical activity. Physical activity helps to improve balance, gait and strength, which are all key in the prevention of falls. Researchers also pointed out that adequate nutrition and supplementation can help to prevent falls. tricicli

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