Wholesale Italian Leather Handbags

Bags wholesale, made in Italy, from high-fashion genuine leather and faux leather to straw and canvas. Here you can find and make contact with highly qualified Italian manufacturers and brands who offer exclusive sought-after luxury bags that will stand out from the crowd of mass-produced ones all sharing the same models, styles and colors.

Our Italian leather suppliers have a huge selection of trendy women’s designer handbags, pouches and totes, as well as leather accessories to complement them: belts, bracelets and earrings. All made in Florence, the real centre of quality craftsmanship for leather goods. Our collection also includes the famous pochette, a small leather handbag for formal or elegant occasions that dates back to the 1700s.

The leather supply store BuyLeatherOnline provides, at very advantageous prices, all types of high fashion skins and traditional vegetable tanned leather hides, suitable for any type of creation. This leather is tanned without using chromium and therefore doesn’t pollute the environment or harm humans; what’s more, over time it develops a natural patina and becomes even more beautiful.

If you’re a reseller or a company/designer looking for your own line of bags “Made in Italy”, use the ItalianModa B2B marketplace: since 2000 it has helped (for free) tens of thousands of people like you to find, select and get in touch with qualified Italian producers, artisans and manufacturers of clothing and leather goods, from medium-low to luxury. Register today and describe your needs as precisely as possible. wholesale italian leather

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